Promoting workplace safety
The health and safety of our co-workers is our number one priority
At Uniwater, we prioritise the health and safety of our employees. Not least as part of our social sustainability work. The work environment includes all aspects of a workplace, i.e. the social, organisational and physical aspects. We work continuously to ensure that Uniwater employees working with occupational health and safety in the workplace have the knowledge required. This includes training in systematic work environment management (SAM). The goal is to ensure that our work environments function well without health risks, which is one of the keystones in making sure our co-workers feel safe and able to perform optimally.
No one should get hurt. Everyone should feel safe.
Our leaders, managers, and safety representatives recently refreshed their knowledge in systematic work environment management, SAM, through in-house training. Here, we learn about the impression and the insights that Adam Eriksson, warehouse manager at Ibeco, was left with after the training.
What was your overall impression of the training?
– I found the training to be good and rewarding. We had clear subject areas and a pedagogical outline. The remote learning setup worked well, and we were also able to discuss questions in smaller groups.
Around 50 people from Uniwater participated – what was the companionship in the group like?
– There was a positive atmosphere among the participants during the training. Everyone was focused, got to speak and contribute with thoughts and ideas, and seemed to grasp the information.
What are your takeaways from the training?
– I’ve been to a similar training before, but these questions are important to go over repeatedly. So, I guess I’m taking that reminder with me – to have both the physical and psychosocial work environment in the back of my mind every day. No one should get hurt and everyone should feel safe.