
Uniwater and Kungsbacka Municipality – collaboration for sustainable water infrastructure

At the core of the Uniwater Group is contributing to clean water in society by developing the water and wastewater infrastructure of the future. The goal for 2025 is to be an industry leader in sustainability from an environmental, social and business perspective. The work is guided by the UN Global Goals and involves a combination of internal efforts and close cooperation with customers and suppliers. Three of Uniwater’s group companies – Norvatek, Elva and ASB – collaborate with the municipality of Kungsbacka, south of Gothenburg. Here, the ambitions are high when it comes to sustainability issues, not least when it comes to water supply.hållbarhet utifrån miljömässiga, sociala och affärsmässiga aspekter. Arbetet guidas av FN:s globala mål och innebär en kombination av interna insatser och nära samarbeten med kunder och leverantörer. Tre av Uniwaters koncernbolag – Norvatek, Elva och ASB – har samarbete med Kungsbacka kommun, söder om Göteborg. Här är ambitionerna höga när det gäller hållbarhetsfrågor, inte minst när det gäller vattenförsörjning.

Growing municipality at the forefront

Kungsbacka is a growing municipality with high ambitions in sustainability, not least regarding water infrastructure.

“The environment and sustainability are high on the municipality’s agenda. There is great commitment and knowledge among many people in senior positions. In general, the water and wastewater industry is – or at least has been – quite conservative, but we are keen to find new, better solutions. Our Head of Operations encourages us to test new technologies and explore the possibilities offered by digitisation. This is incredibly positive,” says Joakim Ekberg, Project Manager for water and wastewater in Kungsbacka.

Joint product development

The Uniwater company Norvatek delivers new pumping stations and maintains existing systems, often cooperating with the sister company ASB VA-automation. Elisabet Edlund, Project Manager at Norvatek, emphasises the importance of close dialogue between Norvatek and the municipality, where they jointly further develop and implement solutions to ensure the operational reliability of the pumping stations.

“We appreciate working with a client who wants to move in the same direction as we do towards a more sustainable society. For example, at the municipality’s initiative, we are currently testing a coating that protects the pumping stations against hydrogen sulphide and extends their lifespan,” says Elisabet.

“Historically, both we and other clients have probably turned down innovative, sustainable material choices because they tend to make projects more expensive in the short term. In general, both clients and suppliers need to request and propose more sustainable solutions. In dialogue with Norvatek, there is no doubt when we come up with development ideas and suggestions. On the contrary, they are very accommodating,” says Joakim.

Collaboration lead to new solutions and sustainable development

“We are currently also starting the construction of a wastewater treatment plant in Ölmanäs. It is a collaborative project between the municipality, the Uniwater company Elva and the construction company ByggDialog. Sometimes, it turns out that switching to a more sustainable material or fuel is not very costly. In projects where we work together to find solutions, this is just what we can discover and achieve together,” says Joakim.

Elva is also a partner in expanding the Hammargård wastewater treatment plant, which is Kungsbacka Municipality’s single biggest venture in sustainable development for the future. The project is planned to run for the next 4–5 years.

Read more about our subsidiary Elva

Read more about our subsidiary Norvatek 

Read more about our subsidiary ASB VA-automation